A.D. Cook


A.D. discovered his passion for art at an early age and began drawing as a young child. Later, he learned to paint with a variety of mediums and honed his skills with pencils, acrylics, and airbrush mediums.

In the Spring of 1989, he accepted a position with Hollywood Entertainment dba Hollywood Video stores in Portland, Oregon to create dozens of large-scale hand-painted murals of movie stars and celebrities for the growing retail giant.
Having painting countless epic wall murals, A.D. left Hollywood Video in 1994 and began producing a series of large size paintings of American motorcycles and other subject matter before finally transitioning to mostly figurative artworks.
In 2004, he created the first of many large realistic art nudes on specially prepared canvas which have been represented and sold in art galleries coast-to-coast.
His creative imagery busts out of traditional art forms leaving collectors marveling at the power, beauty, and detail of his artwork. The very nature of his artwork provides long-lasting beauty and enjoyment for his collectors.


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