Beti Kristof


A life long career artist, Beti Kristof has produced hundreds of works, from illustrations, murals of all themes and sizes, commissioned paintings, and of course, her own themes oftentimes inspired by her travels.

Doing art is a way of life. Being creative comes in so many forms. Sometimes in cooking traditional Hungarian recipes, or writing books, of which she has co-authored a few. But it is her passion for drawing which had opened the door to apprentice and study with noted artists from Hawaii to Italy.

Throughout her career, Beti has received numerous awards of recognition at festivals, oil painters of America exposition, featured artist Best of Oil Painters book edition 1988, Muse Award, to mention a few. One very special painted piece that is close to her heart is a homage to Danny Thomas, which is installed at the St.Judes Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

“I’ve always enjoyed creating art from an inspired moment that seems to permeate my subconscious until I create the body of work.”

The idea of painting a series of peacock paintings came to Beti while traveling to England. She had shelved the idea for nearly seven years. One warm summer Vegas day in a parking lot, a peacock feather blew under her sandaled foot. She looked down and understood the message. Right away, she started the series of peacock paintings which up until recently has been held in her private collection.

Always with ideas and paintings in the works, Beti is in the process of creating new works. She is especially excited to unveil her new series for the Conrad West Gallery Las Vegas.


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